Thursday, February 7, 2013


I keep on forgetting to update this blog.
I have slides for the presentation tomorrow. I really don't think I'm qualified to give this presentation. I debated how much technical information to include, and I don't think there's that much. All the technical information I vaguely learned this week, I feel like will be uninteresting to the audience. Plus, most of the things I read, I feel that I don't actually understand (most of it I'm reading it to know that it exists somewhere). At some point I lost track of the sources I've been reading. Everything I read, I have to look up half the material (and in that looked-up material, I'm looking up more material...)

Concern for the project however. It seems that my project is really about how to create a HCA from a confusion matrix. However this is after propagation (which also has problems on it's own). 
1 - I don't even know how propagation will turn out (from my readings, it seems that Fourier analysis may not be the best coefficients to use for speech recognition)
2- There's nothing that says a HCA will work on speech sounds.After propogation, if the confusion matrix is very far from the identity matrix (aka: close to a matrix of random numbers), then I don't think I can create an HCA tree for the data.

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