Monday, February 4, 2013

Friday Meeting Notes

Time-Domain propagation. (with frequency)
1k signal. --> scale any frequency into 1- 1k hz.

if rep 10k hertz; divide all freq by 10.

pretend all frequecy divided by like 5. --> stretch out the sound waves.

SPREAD 50hz (64 hz) then do powers of 2). 5 bands.... etcetc lala

telephone 300 --> 3k hz

so main idea is just stretch the signal, propagate, shrink it to scale.
--> simple experiments

ambient sound.

--> iset --> input speech signal and output phonemes

given phonemes
how does phonemes degrade. --> natural degradation.
-- > phonemes ordered on  user evaluation of any pair simulation
--> clustered together

phonemes confusion matrix <-- HCA tree @U@


implementation --> HCA tree to phonemes
--> confusion tree

problem statement: propagate speech for
proposed solution:
1- extend sound packet rep
2- propogate that
3- preception cite : construte HAC

experimental target:
1- Assume agent will respond to name
2- will agen respond to name after degredation
3- let one agent call another by name

norm wants cocktail party effect. C:

input: look into existing methods of detecting phonemes in speech
middle: modify spread packet: hca tree: confusion matrix
then: give each agent a name, and a matching algorithm
(lipsinc software)

- need a database of 40 phonemes

phonemes paper--> speech signal degredation/voice quality degredation/ computational representation of speech

alpha --> pipeline

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