Thursday, January 24, 2013

Music and Computers

Music and Computers One of the best resources on how music and computers and sampling rates (not enough math for my taste but it is very understandable). I’m on chapter 4. C: I’ve been doing this instead of my 3D-scanner work like I should. I think I need some time getting used to the idea of bandwidth and sampling rate and such. (I don’t know how to describe it, there’s this extra dimension that I’m not used to when dealing with signals… A little bit like nested for-loops in the beginning of programming). You have sampling rate (which gets the amplitude at each time step); you have bits per sample. I’m missing the idea about how the two are related. I know Nyquist Shannon says you need to sample at a rate 2 times the highest frequency to not have aliasing. So maybe sampling rate and how many buckets (which is related to bits per sample) are related. Apart from that, I’ll be doing 3D-scanning stuff and maybe reading the rest of this link this weekend at pennapps.

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